Voting for Hillary Clinton Is Just As Fucked Up As Voting for Donald Trump
The 2016 Presidential Election will be a clusterfuck. Donald Trump is a non-fucking factor for me. Voting for him is like voting for Charlie Brown. It just doesn’t make sense.
However, let’s talk about what I’m hearing from many people with regard to the upcoming election. Hillary has clearly become the democratic party nominee for commander-in-chief and already heads are telling us (people who don’t fuck with her shady ass) that we have to “pick the lesser of two evils”.
Excuse me. Nope. In fact, all the nopes that ever fucking noped. I cannot with good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton (MAKE SURE THAT YOU CLICK THIS LINK). She’s a liar, a classist, racist, and an invasive opportunist. Many have ignored those facts for what’s perceived as the better choice. Granted, I wouldn’t vote for a loudmouth oompa loompa but trying to convince me to vote for Annie Wilkes from “Misery” isn’t going to happen either.
Can we get into Mrs. Obama’s hair though? Chile! She was giving Wella Balsam realness. That’s not why we’re here though. Even though the FLOTUS’ rousing 20-minute speech, which was filled with “Black Girl Magic” , words dedicated to her parents and an emotional tribute to our ancestors and her daughters, moved me, it still wasn’t enough for me to fuck with Hillary Rodham-Clinton. She triggered emotions with poignant mentions of the Pulse Nightclub shooting and the protest and shootings in Dallas. She, subtly, shaded THE ENTIRE FUCK out of the Donald’s whole generation with the class of all the debutantes at a Jack and Jill function. I. Will.Not.Vote.For.Hillary.Clinton.
Elizabeth Warren spoke of her humble beginnings as a janitor’s daughter in Oklahoma. She spoke of Trump’s master plan to divide this country by race and class. Sorry to bust your bubble, Lizzie. Hill would not have sat at the lunch table with your low-class ass. She was a republican and her mama stayed at home baking cookies and shit while your mama got her hands dirty at Sears. She doesn’t see you any more than she sees me.
Bernie came through to an over two-minute standing ovation. I felt sadness. He assured us that Hillary would adopt many of his ideas like tuition free education, businesses staying within the US, and the policing of the 1% while rebuilding the middle class again.
I wanted to believe that but The Clinton’s track record states otherwise. Her husband implemented NAFTA when he was president in 1993. She lauded the agreement that practically killed manufacturing jobs for Americans as a success.
It wasn’t. NAFTA allowed big American companies to get cheap labor and parts overseas while cutting out the American middle person.
The Clinton’s are notorious for playing on “niggadom”. We’ve seen it first-hand with this election. Hillary has twerked, showed up at black events, bragged about carrying hot sauce in her bag ( I wish Charlemagne would have called her deceitful ass out) and a bunch of other offensive, shameful shit which I care not to mention.
She boasts about equal pay for women but pays her own female staff less money. Hmmmm… how does that work? She cares about “Black Lives Matter” BUT has received $133,246 from prison lobbyists who make profits by locking up blacks and immigrants.
Mrs. Rodham (she only really uses Clinton because people didn’t want to vote for a man whose wife wouldn’t take his last name) is a walking conundrum for whom the masses expect me and people who think like me to vote.
Here’s my problem with that. The burden of who becomes our next president shouldn’t fall on non-Hillary supporters. We did OUR due diligence while you kept your allegiance between the two major parties. There was a plethora of candidates, other than Dems and Reps, from which you could have chosen. Did you research them? Can you even name them? Probably not.
My ancestors fought for the right to vote and I am going to vote for the best candidate. Period. This is a lose lose situation for all of us but I refuse to bear the guilt for your fucked up choices. Hillary Clinton is a woman who wouldn’t know about honor or honesty if it punched her in the face. Somehow, I’ve inherited the onus of needing her because Trump… Naw, bruh.
I will continue to hold my senators and congressman accountable by not voting for them during election time. If they are on that bullshit, they can kiss their cushy jobs goodbye. We control this. Hold THEM responsible for whoever wins. That will surely light fires under the asses of OUR civil servants.
Throw your tantrums and tell me how “we need to stop Donald Trump”. It will fall on deaf ears. I bet that next time you will actually do the work required to elect a president who will truly give a damn about you.
This election will indeed be a shitshow. You have yourselves to thank for it.