The Most Lit Moments Of The 2016 BET Awards

Keka Araújo
4 min readJul 4, 2016


Helloooooooo Black People! I’m still riding the high of negritude and litness (yes, I know that it’s not a word but it describes last night so perfectly). BET has ALMOST redeemed itself from its reputation of debauchery and fuckery at the expense of good black folks.

Last night’s awards were everything that BET promised. They had us. Here are the most lit moments of the night.

6. Desiigner’s Uber Hype Performance

#Blackpeoplesolit is the perfect hashtag for Desiigner. His energy was so infectious. I don’t even like this song and I was hyped. It reminded me of children opening Christmas gifts for the first time. His eyes were bright and his performance was electrifying. I still have no idea what the hell he’s saying but get it, youngin!

5. The Olde English Parody

SON!! I almost peed myself when Anthony Hamilton hit the stage. Hamilton can sing every song ever made in the form of a negro spiritual and heads will weep. Harriet Tubman’s spirit was deep in the building and I’m sure there was an Underground Railroad somewhere in the building. “Let my people go!”

4. Bilal Completely Fucking Going For It While Singing “The Beautiful Ones”

I go commando but if I had panties, they would have been on that stage. Naw, not really but that’s how bomb his performance was. BILAL TURNED IT OUT. From the sexy falsetto to him going balls out and taking it to the floor (shoe boots and all). You better channel your inner D’angelo. I didn’t know. I can’t even say I know 5 songs by Bilal but that’s all about to change.

Not that the Prince tribute wasn’t FANTASTIC but Bilal fucking killed it. Prince was shouting from heaven ,“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!”

Prince can now rest in peace and Madonna can still kiss our asses.

3. The BET Awards Became The Stellar Awards With Jennifer Hudson’s Churchified Tribute of “Purple Rain”

*clutching my pearls and big ass hat* Lawd Lawd Lawd….Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd…. It was Sunday and Mrs. Punk took EREBODY to church. I ain’t even Christian and you can’t tell me that Black Jesus wasn’t real at that moment. I needed a tambourine, a fan, some good ole peppermints and white stockings because you know I gotta give it to that Usher Board.

She got me right in my spirit and rather than a mic drop- she brought the house down and walked off the stage like only a good Church Muvah could.

2. Beyonce And Kendrick Lamar

“Nigga, We gon’ be aight!” The opening performance of the night was Bey and Kendrick. There was water, braids and blackness. I couldn’t feel any blacker than if I was Wesley Snipes. I haven’t always been a fan but BABY, Bey can have all my support.. not my coins because have you seen those ticket prices? Chile. Good Day.

I love her but I will not take out a second mortgage to see her. I WILL enjoy her for free on BET though!

Now for the moment of truth as if y’all didn’t know.


I sobbed as the thought of EVERYTHING that our ancestors must’ve endured fell on my spirit all at once. My daughter is 14 and Tamir Rice turned 14 yesterday. I held her hands and wept. I saw his face, bright eyes and captivating smile in my baby’s face. She sat and listened intently. Breathing in every word, adjusting her body so that she could sit up straight and absorb his strength. Power to the people.

Our road has not been easy and Jesse Williams has used every platform that he has with regard to social justice.

He channeled Malcolm and Martin. What was most touching was the camera panning to his beautiful black wife and when he walked off the stage, his fist reached to the sky as a symbol of black power. To be black and proud.

He made the struggle real for millennials and Generation Z. For Gen Xers like myself, he reminded us that we still have work to do. He, also, called out folks who didn’t help but always seem to have something to say. I was here for it.

“Sit Down.”

The BET awards delivered more than I ever thought it would. Everybody needs to take notes. This is how you celebrate us.





Keka Araújo
Keka Araújo

Written by Keka Araújo

Opinionated, bilingual diasporan activist. Editor-In-Chief at Negra With Tumbao and Senior Editor at MADAMENOIRE. Opinions are mine!.

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