Korryn Gaines Was Assassinated By The Police. Period.

Keka Araújo
4 min readAug 3, 2016


The Paddy Patrol strikes again. This time a young, black 23- year old mother, Korryn Gaines, was executed by white thugs while holding her five-year old son. He was, later, shot as well. Thankfully, he will survive. His beautiful mother wasn’t so lucky.

What could call for her murder you ask? A bench warrant for traffic violations and other minor infractions. There are so many things running through my mind. I don’t care if she had a gun or not, if she fired the first shot or if she yelled, “Fuck the police!” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Korryn Gaines should NOT be dead. This was a hit. Plain and simple.

In what world does SWAT execute a “door knock” for a bench warrant for damn traffic tickets? In fact, why would the police go to the landlord and ask for the key to enter the home WITHOUT permission? She didn’t kill anyone. She wasn’t a dope dealer. She wasn’t a threat to her community.

From her Instagram and her Twitter, she appeared to be an extremely knowledgeable young woman. She was also fiercely protective and vigilant of her babies. This sister knew her rights and had recorded her interactions with the police. They snatched her baby from her arms to take her from the car and threatened to taze her as she was calming her son. She wasn’t menacing. She didn’t yell or curse. According to Korryn, she was arrested and jailed for two days with no water or food. A complete violation of her human and civil rights but that’s how the good ole boys of Baltimore County play.

I’m not going to sit here and dissect what she could have done better or that she should have complied. Because fuck that. A pack of fucking armed men entered a woman’s home while her children were there. I might have shot at them too. She was not guaranteed safety either way. Why not fight? We’ve been cowering for too long. She was expected to keep it together. Where the hell was the compassion? They knew she drove. It wouldn’t have been shit for them to stop her. They didn’t even need probable cause. Take her in and keep it moving.

This was about more than that warrant. This was about silencing another young black woman’s voice. She had a reputation of speaking out and she wasn’t afraid. What if she’d rather stand tall than stand down? She was never going to leave that house alive because again- who does all of this for STUPID ASS TRAFFIC TICKETS? Her son would have been collateral damage if not for divine intervention. They didn’t care that a boy, who wasn’t even in kindergarten, would be taken down just to silence his mother’s voice. Nothing can convince me of anything else.

Black women are the voice of this revolution and EVERYBODY is standing in line to shut us down.

For one minute via Instagram, we watched a man with an assault rifle watch her. There were no words exchanged. Just stares. How did it come to an end?

I am trying to be in a good space with black men. Facebook is quickly fucking that up for me. I am disgusted. I read black men and even some women say what she shouldn’t have done and this was her fault. Since when has compliance saved our lives? Fresh from the Philando Castile and Alton Sterling’s murders where the police were clearly in the wrong, fuckboys are throwing this young sister under the bus. SHE, somehow, deserved to be gunned down in front of her baby. Because again black women’s voices are only valuable when there’s a black man’s cause attached to it.

Fuck you, ashy bastards. We’ve fought and stood up for one another when your punk asses ran. I’m not fighting your battles only for you NOT to have our back. Everything is our fault and I ain’t having that shit. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not EVER.

If you aren’t here to help, sit your bitch ass down somewhere. Get the fuck out of our way.

RIP Sweet Korryn.


I’m fucking tired, y’all. TIRED. CANSADA.



Keka Araújo
Keka Araújo

Written by Keka Araújo

Opinionated, bilingual diasporan activist. Editor-In-Chief at Negra With Tumbao and Senior Editor at MADAMENOIRE. Opinions are mine!.

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