Five Signs Your Moms Raised A Bitch Ass Nigga

Keka Araújo
4 min readMar 27, 2017


“Grown” men and boys alike are being treated like princesses by their moms. Women are enabling dudes from childhood and it’s creating a new breed of bitch ass niggas. It’s an epidemic and I’m here to help ladies identify and RUN from these clowns.

Bitch ass niggas are easy to come by in 2017. The objective is to avoid them at all costs.

5. He Lays Up At Your Crib Eating All Of Your Damn Food.

It’s not unusual for your man to come over. However, this negro should NOT come over eating all of your children’s fruit snacks, opening up every box of cereal in the crib and eating all of Sunday dinner leftovers for lunch. A bitch ass nigga with no job will have the audacity to ask you if there’s any more milk or bacon. Biiiiiih.


4.They Are Always Ready To Get It In

Typically, bitch ass niggas are ready to do it on demand. It’s easy to do because most of them don’t work on a regular basis. THIS is the ultimate bedwench. You better tell that negro, “You betta get up, get out and get something.”

Get his funky ass up out your bed and send that nigga back to his mama’s. EVEN IF YOU HAVE KIDS WITH HIM.

3. His Mama Is His Workhorse And His Wallet

The new Ferragamo’s just came out and he just asked his mama to cop those. His mama. And she is doing everything in her arthritic power to round up the bread to get them.While she’s busy purchasing the latest fashions for her “boy”, he “forgot” to take out the trash. Oh and he is bitching because she bought brown instead of black. Ole ungrateful ass. He stays fresh but his chirren can’t even get new backpacks for school. When his children’s mother calls her, his mom defends the fuckery by saying that he is TRYING. Bitch, he’s 36… STAWPIT!

2. He’s Always On The Verge Of A Come Up

You are busting your ass trying to build a lucrative career and this nigga is a dishwasher. Somehow, he has gathered that’s enough to make it in these here streets. And because he only earns 40 cents an hour, he STILL wants YOU to foot the bills. Don’t fret, girl. Washing dishes is a stepping stone to becoming a CEO. But you don’t hear me though. He doesn’t like motivation or encouragement because that’s “talking down to him”. How dare you have dreams and aspirations in your 30’s that don’t involve bags of weed and bottles of Henny?

If you believed in this bitch ass nigga a little more, you’d see that he was on his way to being the ‘fry captain’. Stop being a hater!

1. He threatens to leave but only goes to somebody else’s couch. He can’t make it on his own.

This asshole’s ego is YUUUUGE. *in my Trump voice*

When he doesn’t get his way, he will scream on you and threaten to leave. This is his sad attempt to mindfuck you. You are doing HIM a favor so if he says he is leaving. Throw his shit on the sidewalk and tell him to kick rocks. He is just making more bills for you anyway. And to top it off, he doesn’t really have an other place to go. He’s just going to go to somebody else’s couch. If he was about his business, he would have his own crib in the first place. MEN create a place for their women to go. They don’t go stay in YOUR shit.

If your dude is committing ANY of the above-mentioned offenses, SEND HIM BACK TO HIS MAMA. STAT. If you recognize your son in any of these points, YOU HAVE FAILED HIM AS A MOTHER. Nobody wants to take care of the problem nigga who you created. Women are getting smarter and we can assure you… he will REMAIN YOUR BURDEN.

Hasta the next time!


Originally published at on March 27, 2017.



Keka Araújo
Keka Araújo

Written by Keka Araújo

Opinionated, bilingual diasporan activist. Editor-In-Chief at Negra With Tumbao and Senior Editor at MADAMENOIRE. Opinions are mine!.

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